pondelok 15. decembra 2008

Nezabudneme, neodpustíme! Medzinárodný deň akcií proti štátnym vraždám - sobota 20.12.2008

Včera (v piatok) sa združenie študentov obsadenej polytechnickej školy rozhodlo zvolať Európske a celosvetové akcie odporu na pripomenutie si vrážd mladých ľudí, prisťahovalcov a všetkých, ktorí bojujú proti posluhovačom štátu. Naše životy nepatria štátom a ich vrahom! Spomienka na zavraždených bratov, sestry, kamarátov a kamarátky zostáva v živej pamäti vďaka našim bojom. Nezabudneme na našich bratov a sestry, nezabudneme na ich vrahov.

Today (Friday), the assembly of the occupied Athens Polytechnic decided to make a callout for European and global-wide actions of resistance in the memory of all assassinated youth, migrants and all those who were struggling against the lackeys of the state. Carlo Juliani; the French suburb youths; Alexandros Grigoropoulos and the countless others, all around the world. Our lives do not belong to the states and their assassins! The memory of the assassinated brothers and sisters, friends and comrades stays alive through our struggles! We do not forget our brothers and sisters, we do not forgive their murderers. Please translate and spread around this message for a common day of coordinated actions of resistance in as many places around the world as possible.

Original callout: http://athens.indymedia.org

zdroj: occupiedlondon.org/blog
slovensky: greece.bloguje.sk

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